
Here you'll find details about viewing, adding, editing and deleting pilots from your logbook.

Viewing pilots

You can find your pilots by navigating to 'Logbook' from the main menu and tapping on 'Pilots' on the bottom navigation bar. Here you'll see a list of all your pilots, grouped by company and displayed in alphabetical order. You can also use the search feature to filter the list of displayed pilots.

Tapping on a pilot will show you details about that pilot. If you have stored an email address or contact number, you can tap on those items to send an email or make a phone call. Furthermore, if the pilot has an account on Gravatar associated with their email address, their picture will be also be displayed. Finally, if you are a subscriber, you will be able to view your most recent flights with that pilot. You can deselect the pilot by tapping the close button in the upper right corner of the screen.

When you first created your Aviator Logbook account, a 'SELF' pilot was also automatically added to your list of pilots. This pilot can be edited but cannot be deleted, and a second 'SELF' pilot cannot be created.

Adding a pilot

To add a pilot, tap the plus button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will take you to the 'New pilot' screen. 'First name' and 'Last name' are required fields for every pilot entry.

Once you are happy, tap the checkmark button in the upper right corner to save the pilot and add them to your logbook. If you change your mind, instead tap the back button in the upper left corner and no pilot will be added.

Editing a pilot

To edit a pilot, select the desired pilot and tap the edit button. You will be taken to the 'Edit pilot' screen, where you can make any changes required. The principles are the same as adding a new pilot.

Tapping the back button in the upper left corner will undo any changes, and tapping the checkmark button in the upper right corner will save the pilot.

Deleting a pilot

To delete a pilot (other than the 'SELF' pilot, which cannot be deleted), select the desired pilot and tap the delete button. You will be asked to confirm, and then the pilot will be removed.

There may be flights in the logbook that contain the pilot you wish to delete. Before deletion is carried out, you will be asked if you wish to delete these flights too. If you choose not to, the pilot will be simply removed from those flights.

Last updated

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