
Here you can generate, export and print various reports from your logbook data.


You can generate a PDF version of your logbook in the following formats:

  • EASA compliant

  • FAR compliant

Follow these steps to generate your logbook:

  1. Select the type of logbook and the dates required.

  2. If you are continuing an old logbook, you can offset the first flight displayed. For example in your current logbook the last flight on the page is the first of two flights on 17/6/21. Selecting an offset of +1 will then generate the logbook starting with the second flight on 17/6/21.

  3. Select whether to show page numbers, the starting page number and the number of entries per page.

  4. Optionally select either a cover page, perfect if this is a new logbook, or a blank page which can be useful if you are printing the first page onto an existing logbook page.

  5. Finally select your paper type and margin sizes. Setting the inner margin to a larger value is useful if the logbook will be bound. You can toggle the measurements between 'cm' and 'inches' by navigating to 'Settings' in the main menu.

  6. Click 'Preview' to quickly generate a preview of the logbook with the current settings.

  7. If you're happy with how it looks, click 'Generate' to create a PDF of your logbook. This could take a few moments if you have a large amount of data.

Other reports

There is a range of reports that can be generated by tapping on the 'Reports' tab at the bottom of the screen. Tapping on your desired report will take you to a screen where you can customise the data that will be generated, as well as the desired output page size.

We are planning on adding more reports, such as flight time totals for job applications, to the app. We are very interested in hearing your suggestions in our feature request forum!

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