
Here you'll find details about viewing, adding, editing and deleting flights from your logbook.

Viewing flights

You can find your flights by navigating to 'Logbook' from the main menu and tapping on 'Flights' on the bottom navigation bar. Here you'll see a list of all your flights, grouped by date and displayed in reverse chronological order.

Tapping on a flight will show you the details of that flight, including flight times and the aircraft and crew you flew with. There are options to edit or delete the flight, and also to create an onward flight (for example a return sector). You can dismiss the flight by tapping on the close icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Adding a flight

To add a flight, tap on the add button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will take you to the 'New flight' screen Alternatively, with a flight selected, you may tap the onward flight button to add a flight using the same aircraft, crew and aerodromes as the one selected.

By default, all fields are displayed on this screen. If some of these fields are irrelevant for you, they can be hidden by navigating to 'Settings' from the main menu, then 'Logbook' on the bottom navigation bar and tapping 'Manage flight fields'. Tap 'Hide' next to any field you do not wish to be displayed.

Many fields are self-explanatory, but here are some tips:

  • Tapping 'Aircraft' or one of the 'Crew' fields will allow you to choose from one of these items that you have previous added. Tapping one of the 'Aerodrome' fields allows you to search for the relevant aerodrome in the database, or add a custom aerodrome if required.

  • Auto-calculation of flight times and role times is turned off by default, but can be enabled via the same 'Manage flight fields' screen described above. Tapping the magic wand icon will enable auto-calculation for that field, whenever the relevant times are updated.

  • If auto-calculation is not enabled, you can still calculate the time for the relevant field by tapping on the calculator icon. Times are calculated like so:

    • Total time - Difference between off blocks and on blocks.

    • Flight time - Difference between takeoff and landings.

    • Duty time - Difference between on duty and off duty.

    • Night time - Due to the many variables involved, this value will be approximate. Requires a departure and arrival aerodrome to work out sun positions on the chosen date. Then estimates the amount of night time based on the off blocks and on blocks times assuming a great-circle route. Calculating this will also add one takeoff and landing in the relevant fields.

    • All other role times - Uses total time if present otherwise the difference between off blocks and on blocks.

    • Approaches (auto-calculate only) - Always adds one approach by default.

Once you are happy, tap the checkmark button in the upper right corner to save the flight and add it to your logbook. Alternatively, you may tap the onward flight button to save the current flight and proceed with a return or onward flight. The next flight will use the same aircraft and crew, by default with the aerodromes reversed although this of course can be changed.

If you change your mind, instead tap the back button in the upper left corner and no flight will be added.

Editing a flight

To edit a flight, select the desired flight and tap the edit button. You will be taken to the 'Edit flight' screen, where you can make any changes required. The principles are the same as adding a new flight.

Tapping the back button in the upper left corner will undo any changes, and tapping the checkmark button in the upper right corner will save the flight.

Deleting a flight

To delete a flight, select the desired flight and tap the delete button. You will be asked to confirm, and then the flight will be removed.

Deleting a flight will not delete any of the aircraft, aerodromes or pilots associated with it. These must be deleted separately if required.

Last updated

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