Adding your first flight
Let's add your first flight, along with a new pilot, aircraft and aircraft type.
Adding a flight
From the logbook section of the main menu, choose the flights section from the bottom tabs and then tap the plus button in the upper right hand corner to begin adding a new flight. If you haven't changed anything via the settings screen, you'll see every entry field available in the app. Some of these, such as extra crew members, can be hidden via the settings screen at a later point.
Go ahead and work through adding a new flight. You can find out more about the different fields in the logbook section of this documentation, but here are some things to bear in mind:
Tapping on aircraft, aerodromes or pilots will take you to a new screen where you can select a previously added item. Have a play and explore these screens.
You can search for aerodromes included in our extensive database. If you have a subscription, you can also add a custom one if required.
By default, times are not automatically calculated (this can be enabled via the settings). If you wish to calculate a flight time based on entered on/off blocks times etc., use the calculator button next to the required field.
Changed your mind? Tapping the back icon in the upper left corner will cancel any changes you've made and take you back to the previous screen.
Saving the flight
Once you're happy with everything you've entered, and there are no errors, tapping the checkmark icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You can now view the flight you've just created to see the details, or tap the edit button to make changed to the flight.
That's it! You've created an account and added your first entries to your logbook. We hope you find using the app intuitive but if you need help any time, hopefully you'll find the answers in the documentation here. Otherwise, feel free to contact support any time for help.
Last updated
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